Rapid response claims handling provides you with the fullest protection your policy allows.
RISCOM Claims Management, LLC © handles the claims for policies written by Regional Insurance Services Company, LLC ©. Our philosophy is to provide effective claims management through efficient processes with emphasis on early claims resolution and cost containment. We aggressively investigate and pursue resolution of all legitimate claims to minimize exposure for our insured clients and to mitigate adverse loss development for our carrier partners. Our experienced adjusters, in-house medical and legal experts, and skilled outside vendors work as a team to reach a quick resolution.

Claims Process
Once notified, our Rapid Response team immediately assesses your claim and, if necessary and practical, we assign a local representative to meet with all involved parties within hours of the accident. Claims reported within 24 hours are settled more quickly and at about half the cost. There are two sides to every story and immediately reporting accidents, even when you are not at fault, allows us to:
We sincerely hope you will not need our claims services and that you benefit from an accident-free year; however, in the event the need arises, we are here to provide you with exceptional service.